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October 2022






  • f. — full load (displacement).
  • Falk-DeL — Falk & De Laval,
  • Falk-FB — Falk & Farrel-Birmingham.
  • Falk-GE — Falk & General Electric.
  • Falk-Wes — Falk & Westinghouse.
  • FAST — Fast At Sea Transfer Equipment.
  • FB — Farrel-Birmingham Co., New York.
  • FB-Falk — Farrel-Birmingham & Falk.
  • FB-Wes — Farrel-Birmingham & Westinghouse.
  • FBM — fleet ballistic missile.
  • FDI — fast deployment logistics ship.
  • Fed — Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Kearny, New Jersey.
  • Fiat — Fiat-San Giorgio, Ltd., Turin, Italy.
  • Flot — flotilla.
  • FltBtry — floating battery.
  • FM — Fairbanks Morse diesel, reverse gear drive (manufactured by Fairbanks Morse & Co., Beloit, Wisconsin).
  • Fore — Fore River Ship and Engine Co., Quincy, Massachusetts.
  • Fr. — Frigate.
  • FRAM — Fleet Rehabilitation And Modernization.
  • FSch. — F. Schlebau Gmbh., Elbing, Germany.
  • f.t. — fire-tube (Scotch-type boiler).
  • FW — Foster Wheeler Corp., Mountaintop, Pennsylvania.
  • FWASDR. — Foster Wheeler 8-Drum. Express-Type Boiler.
  • FWH — Foster Wheeler Header-Type Boiler.
  • FWPFS — Foster Wheeler Pressure-Fixed Supercharged Boiler.
  • FWSFD — Foster Wheeler Single-Furnace D-Type Boiler.
  • FWSHC — Foster Wheeler Superheat Control Boiler.
  • FW2DR — Foster Wheeler 2-Drum Boiler,
  • FW2DRS — Foster Wheeler 2-Drum Superheat Control Boiler

Shipping Abbreviations. -E-

Shiping Abbreviations.  -E-

EIU – even if used

ELVENT – electrically ventilated

ETA – estimated time of arrival

ETB – estimated time of berthing

ETC -estimated time of completion

ETD -estimated time of departure

ETS -estimated time of sailing

Expload – expected to load

EXW – Ex Works (incoterm: place of delivery, usually the seller’s premises, main carriage unpaid)

Terms for single voyages

A vessel shall not be fixed for a particular voyage for reasons of cargo size, if the maximum cargo that she can lift is less than contractual cargo quantity that Charterers have the right to ship, or if the vessel would be under-loaded to an unacceptable extent.

A vessel shall not be fixed for a particular voyage for reasons of cargo size, if the maximum cargo that she can lift is less than the contractual cargo quantity that Charterers have the right to ship, or if the vessel would be under-loaded to unacceptable extent.

Abbreviation. -D- Shipping


DA (or D/A) – disbursement account

DAP – Di-Ammonium Phosphate

DAP – delivered at place (incoterm: place of destination)

DAPS – days all purposes (the total number of days for loading & discharging)

DAT – delivered at terminal (incoterm: port or place of destination – now DPU, see below)

DD – dry dock

DDP – delivered duty paid (incoterm: place of destination)

DEM – demurrage

DES – despatch

DDFRT – dead freight

DHDATSBE – demurrage half despatch on all time saved both ends

DHDLTSBE – demurrage half despatch on all laytime saved both ends

DHDWTSBE – demurrage half despatch on working time saved both ends

DISCH – discharge

DLOSP – dropping last outward sea pilot

DOC – document of compliance (under ISM code see below)

DOP – dropping outward pilot

DOT – department of transport

DNRSAOCLONL – discount less and non returnable ship and/or cargo lost or not lost

DNV – Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian classification society/standard)

DPU – delivered at place unloaded (incoterm: place of destination, where seller unloads – formerly DAT)

DRAFT – depth to which a ship is immersed in water

DUNNAGE – materials, often timber or matting, placed among cargo for separation and increased stability or to protect the tank tops

DWAT or DWT – Dead Weight – the weight of the cargo, stores, bunkers, water.

Shipping Abbreviation. – C-

C/P: Charter Party

C/SNEE (or Consignee)
Name of agent, company or person receiving consignment

CAF: Currency adjustment factor

CAR: Corrective action request

CBA: Collective bargaining agreement (Salary scales for different nationalities of seamen) Used by crewing.

CBFT (or CFT): Cubic feet

CBM: Cubic meters

CBT: Clean ballast tanks

CFC: Chlorofluorocarbon compounds. See HCFC

CFR: Cost and freight. Cost and freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of

CHENG: Chief engineer

CHOF: Chief officer or chief mate, second in command of the vessel

CHOPT: Charterers option

CHTRS: Charterers

CIF: Cost, insurance and freight. Means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or dam

CIP: Carriage and insurance paid to… Means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means that the buyer bears all

CKD: Completely knocked down

Clean (CPP): Refined petroleum products with light color (gas, paraffin, gas oil, naphtha)

CM: Contingency manual

CO2: Carbon dioxide – a combustion product from burning all types of fuel. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may increase the temperature at the Earth’s surface – known as the greenhouse effect

COA (Contract of Affreightment) – Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue ton for cargo carried on a specific number of voyages.

COACP: Contract of Affreightment charter party

COB: Closing of business

COBLDN: Closing of business London

COD: Cash on delivery

COGSA: Carriage of goods by Sea act

CONS: Consumption

COP: Custom of port

CP (or C/P): Charter party

CPD: Charterers pay dues

CPT: Carriage paid to… Means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means that the buyer bears all risks and any

CQD: Customary quick dispatch

CR: Current rate

CRN: Crane

CROB: Cargo remaining on board

CRT: Cargo retention clauses, introduced by charterers based on shortage of delivered cargo because of increased oil prices

CST: Centistoke

CTR: Container fitted

CVS: Consecutive voyages

Shipping Abbreviation -B-

Shipping Abbreviation – B-
Bulk carrier. Single deck ship carrying homogenous unpackaged cargoes. Loaded through large hatchways

B/L: Bill of lading. A document signed by the carrier which acts as a Contract of Affreightment, a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo.

BAF: Bunker adjustment factor. A fuel surcharge expressed as a percentage added or subtracted from the freight amount, reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers.

BBB: Before breaking bulk. Refers to freight payments that must be received before discharge of a vessel commences

BDI: Both dates inclusive

BENDS: Both ends (load & discharge ports)

BI: Both inclusive

BIMCO: The Baltic and International Maritime Council

BL: Bale                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BL (or B/L): Bill of Lading

BM: Beam

BN: Booking note

BOB: Bunker on board

Boffer: Best offer

BPM: Bridge procedure manual

BROB: Bunkers remaining on board

BSM: Barber Ship Management

BSS: Basis

BSS 1/1: Basis 1 port to 1 port

BT: Berth terms

BWAD: Brackish water arrival draft

Voyage Estimation

Voyage Estimation is
used to compare the revenue with the total costs of the same
voyages for the different vessel and to find which vessel is
the most profitable.
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