+30 698 709 6674 info@euroyachtsrental.com


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+30 698 709 6674 info@euroyachtsrental.com


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After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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* Creating an account means you're okay with our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.
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ILOHC – What does it mean?

Charterers will also have to option of paying a lump sum In Lieu Of Hold Cleaning (ILOHC). This clause is only intended to cover for the cleaning of the holds when debris and residue is left inside. It does not extend to large amounts of cargo being left in the holds that have been rejected by receivers.

Οι ναυλωτές θα έχουν επίσης την επιλογή να πληρώσουν ένα εφάπαξ ποσό In Lieu Of Hold Cleaning (ILOHC). Αυτή η ρήτρα προορίζεται μόνο για να καλύψει τον καθαρισμό των κυψελών όταν υπάρχουν συντρίμμια και υπολείμματα μέσα. Δεν επεκτείνεται σε μεγάλες ποσότητες φορτίου που αφήνονται στα αμπάρια που έχουν απορριφθεί από τους παραλήπτες.

Фрахтователи также должны будут заплатить единовременную сумму вместо уборки трюма (ILOHC). Этот пункт предназначен только для очистки трюмов, когда мусор и остатки остались внутри. Он не распространяется на большое количество груза, оставленного в трюмах, которые были отклонены получателями.

Document- A letter of Credit

A letter of credit or LC is a written document issued by the importer’s bank (opening bank) on importer’s behalf. Through its issuance, the exporter is assured that the issuing bank will make a payment to the exporter for the international trade conducted between both the parties.

Η πιστωτική επιστολή ή LC είναι ένα γραπτό έγγραφο που εκδίδεται από την τράπεζα του εισαγωγέα (τράπεζα ανοίγματος) για λογαριασμό του εισαγωγέα. Μέσω της έκδοσής του, ο εξαγωγέας βεβαιώνεται ότι η εκδότρια τράπεζα θα πραγματοποιήσει πληρωμή στον εξαγωγέα για το διεθνές εμπόριο που διεξάγεται μεταξύ των δύο μερών.

Аккредитив  представляет собой письменный документ, выданный банком импортера (банком-эмитентом) от имени импортера. Благодаря его выпуску экспортер получает уверенность в том, что банк-эмитент произведет платеж экспортеру за международную торговлю, проводимую между двумя сторонами.

Document – A bill of lading

A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment. Although the term historically related only to carriage by sea, a bill of lading may today be used for any type of carriage of goods.

Η φορτωτική είναι ένα έγγραφο που εκδίδεται από έναν μεταφορέα για να επιβεβαιώσει την παραλαβή του φορτίου για αποστολή. Αν και ο όρος ιστορικά σχετίζεται μόνο με τη θαλάσσια μεταφορά, μια φορτωτική μπορεί σήμερα να χρησιμοποιηθεί για κάθε τύπο μεταφοράς εμπορευμάτων.

Коносамент – это документ, выдаваемый перевозчиком для подтверждения приема груза к отправке. Хотя этот термин исторически относился только к морской перевозке, сегодня коносамент может использоваться для любого вида перевозки товаров.

bill of ladings on office table



Non-Negotiable Bill of Lading
– Bill of Lading
which is not a Signed, original Bill of Lading and
therefore cannot be used to transfer title in the
Non-Reversible Lay time
– Time allowed to the
charterer for loading is to be treated separately
from the time allowed for discharging for the
purpose of calculating demurrage or dispatch.
– Notice of Readiness – Clause in a voyage
charter that the shipowner or master must advise
the charterer when the ship has arrived and is
ready to load or discharge for laytime to start
– Not Otherwise Specified
Notice of Redelivery – Written notice given by
the time charterer to the shipowner giving the
date when the ship is to be returned to the
shipowner at the end of the period of the charter.
Charterparties may stipulate that several such
notices be given at agreed intervals as the date of
redelivery approaches.
– Net Registered Tonnage
NT (Net Tonnage)
– The total of all enclosed
spaces within a ship avail- able for cargo
expressed in tons each of which is equivalent to
one hundred cubic feet.
NYPE – New York Produce

P&I Club Insurance

The purpose of Protection and Indemnity (“P&I”) insurance is to shield the assured from the risk of his liability to others arising from his maritime activities. Unlike loss insurance, P&I responds to liability for damage or loss which the assured has caused to others.


November 2022

1) The usual covers that P&I Clubs provide are:

– Loss or Damage to Cargo
– Pollution from Ship or her Cargo
– Loss of Life or injury to crew members or Passengers
– Removal of wrecks
– Oil-spill fines
– Damage to fixed or floating objects
– Collision with other Ships
– Stowaways and Repatriation
– Uncoverable General Average Contribution
– Liability under approved Towage Contract

2) They also provide:
– Statistics
– Guidelines Extensively
– Consultancy

– Preloading Surveys
– Representation in all main World Ports
– Legal Advice

3) Other Covers
– F.D.&D.
– Ship Managers’ Liability
– Cyber
– Ship Brokers Liability

Shipping Abbreviation -M-


  • M — Marine
  • M. — mortar.
  • MAC — Military Airlift Command.
  • MarAd — Maritime Administration.
  • MAP — Military Assistance Program.
  • MB — motor boat.
  • M.C. — Maritime Commission.
  • M.C.E. — Maritime Commission Emergency Ship Program (“Liberty” ships).
  • MSC — mine countermeasures ship.
  • M.C.V — Maritime Commission Victory Ship Program (“Victory” ships).
  • M.D.A.P. — Mutual Defense Assistance Program.
  • Mfr — manufacturer.
  • mg. — machine gun.
  • MHA — minehunter, auxiliary.
  • MHC — minehunter, coastal.
  • MinDiv — mine division.
  • MinFlot — mine flotilla.
  • MinLant — Mine Force Atlantic.
  • MinPac — Mine Force Pacific.
  • MinRon — mine squadron.
  • mis. — missile.
  • mis. ln — missile launcher.
  • mk. — mark.
  • mlr. — muzzle-loading rifle.
  • MM — minelayer, fleet.
  • mm. — millimeter.
  • MMA — minelayer, auxiliary.
  • MMC — minelayer, coastal.
  • MMD — minelayer, fast (formerly DM).
  • MMP — minelayer, fleet.
  • Mon — monitor.
  • MON — monitor (new riverine warfare type).
  • Moran — Moran Brothers Co., Seattle, Washington.
  • Mssh. — Mosher-type boiler.
  • mot — motor generator.
  • mph — miles per hour.
  • MS — motor ship.
  • MSA — minesweeper, auxiliary.
  • MSB — minesweeping boat.
  • M.S.C. — Military Sealift Command (formerly MSTS).
  • MSC — minesweeper, coastal (nonmagnetic).
  • MSCO — minesweeper, coastal (old).
  • MSD — minesweeper, drone.
  • MSF — minesweeper, fleet (steel hull).
  • MSI — minesweeper, inshore.
  • MSL — minesweeping launch.
  • MMS — minesweeper, river.
  • MSO — minesweeper, ocean (nonmagnetic).
  • MSR — minesweeper, patrol.
  • MSS — minesweeper, special (device).
  • MSTS — Military Sea Transportation Service (now Military Sealift Command).

Daily Tour Cruise Ships Fee(TEPAI)


The Recreational and Daily Tour Cruise Ships Fee (TEPAI)

The Recreational and Daily Tour Cruise Ships Fee (TEPAI) is imposed on all private and professional leisure ships and professional tourist day ships, of a total length of over 7m, regardless of flag, in Greek territorial waters.

For the fulfillment of this obligation, the electronic application eTEPAI is implemented by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Article 13 of Law 4211/2013 as in force and the Joint Ministerial Decisions POL 1210/2018, POL 1214/2018, Α. 1119/2019).

Τo facilitate the persons concerned, a brief brochure and a “Frequently Asked Questions Manual” has been issued covering all issues relating to the proper implementation of the TEPAI.

Shipping Abbreviation -K- , -L-

KEEL The centreline of a ship running fore and aft; the backbone of a vessel
KNOT A measurement of speed equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour
LANE METER A method of measuring the space capacity of Ro/Ro ships whereby each unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter in length x 2.0 meters in width.
LASH To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc.
LAT Latitude. The distance north or south of the equator measured and expressed in degrees.
LAYCAN Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date)
LAYTIME Time at Charterers disposal for purpose of loading/discharging
L/C Letter of Credit
LCL Less than Container Load – a shipment that takes up only a portion of a consolidated container. LCL shpts are to be picked up at a CFS only, whereas FCL are to be picked up at a container yard/terminal.
LCR Lowest Current Rate
LEE The side sheltered from the wind
LEEWARD The direction away from the wind. Opposite of windward
LEEWAY The sideways movement of the ship caused by either wind or current
LF Load Factor. Percentage of cargo or passengers carries e.g. 4,000 tons carried on a vessel of 10,000 capacity has a load factor of 40%
LIEN Retention of property until outstanding debt is paid
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOA Length Overall of the vessel
LOF Lloyds Open Form
LOG A record of courses or operation. Also, a device to measure speed
LOI Letter of Indemnity
LONGITUDE The distance in degrees east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England
LOW Last Open Water
LS (or LUMPS) Lumpsum Freight. Money paid to Shipper for a charter of a ship (or portion) up to stated limit irrespective of quantity of cargo
LSD Lashed Secured Dunnaged
LT Liner Terms
LT Long Ton = 1,016.05 kilogram (2,240 lbs)
LTHH Liner Terms Hook/Hook
LW Low Water
LYCN Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date)



Sailing boat in blue open sea



Choose Your Flag Wisely🇬🇷

When buying a yacht, the choice of the yacht flag is one of the MOST IMPORTANT decisions you have to make because it can have a direct effect on your privacy, taxes, and your exposure to liability.

Just as you would create a corporate structure to protect your other assets, you should do the same when it comes to yacht registration.

Register your yacht with us and the professionals of EURO CLUB YACHTS IN GREECE LP will consult and assist you with all your questions during the procedure.

We are next you to help and enjoy ⛵️ sailing!





H&M: Hull and machinery insurance

HA: Hatch

HBF: Harmless bulk fertilizer

HCFC: Hydro-chlorofluorocarbon compounds, such as freon 22 (R22)

HDLTSBENDS: Half dispatch lay time saved both ends

HDWTS: Half dispatch working (or weather) time saved

HFC: Hydrofluorocarbon

HFO: Heavy fuel oil. Used in ship’s engines and boiler systems

HHDW: Handy heavy d.w. (scrap)

HI: Hull interest insurance

HMS: Heavy metal scraps

HO: Hold; a compartment below deck in a large vessel, used solely for carrying cargo

HW: High water

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