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Ship Owner and Charterer

Shipowner is a legal entity officially registered as the owner of the ship in a Ship Registry..

Cargo Owner is the owner of the cargo that is required to be shipped..

Chartering is an agreement in which a shipowner agrees to rent out a ship to a cargo owner to move the cargo from Point A to Point B..

Charter Party is the agreement between the shipowner and the cargo owner where the shipowner allows the cargo owner the use and/or management of the vessel in exchange for “freight”..

Charterer is someone who has signed a charter party with the shipowner for the hire of the required ship or a part of the capacity thereof.. A charterer may be the actual owner of the cargo, a cargo trading company, someone acting on behalf of the actual cargo owner or someone in the business of hiring ships for trading in cargoes..

Difference between a Charterer and a Shipper?

Difference between a “charterer” and a “shipper”.

A question has come up with my latest group of brilliant students partaking in the popular VS DRY CARGO CHARTERING AND SHIPBROKING CERTIFICATE.

There was some confusion between the terms ‘charterer’ and ‘shipper’ – specifically when talking about the idea of ‘deadfreight’.

To make things simple – the first distinction I need to state is that as a shipbroker and dry dry cargo shipping specialists contracts are alwaysbetween ‘charterers’ and ‘shipowners’. In other words for the purpose of a contract the word ‘shipper’ is irrelevant. Many think they can use the word ‘shipper’ and ‘charterer’ in substitution but you cannot. Shipper is not a word we use when discussing the commercial aspects a charter agreement.

New Jason Clause

The new Jason clause requires the cargo owner to contribute to the general average. The cargo owner has to pay for damages caused by the negligence of the ship/carrier owner. In such a case, the new Jason clause should be present in the bill of landing.

What is SOLAS?

SOLAS is considered one of the three pillars of international instruments regulating the maritime industry, along with MARPOL (regulating pollution prevention from ships) and STCW (regulating standards, training, and certification for seafarers). Let us take a closer look:What? The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) sets minimum safety standards in the construction, equipment and operation of merchant ships. As such, signatory states are required to ensure that ships flagged by them comply with at least the standards set by the treaty.
Aerial drone ultra wide photo of latest technology in safety standards crude oil tanker cruising Saronic Gulf deep blue sea, Greece

SOLAS is considered one of the three pillars of international instruments regulating the maritime industry, along with MARPOL (regulating pollution prevention from ships) and STCW (regulating standards, training, and certification for seafarers). Let us take a closer look:

  • What? The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) sets minimum safety standards in the construction, equipment and operation of merchant ships. As such, signatory states are required to ensure that ships flagged by them comply with at least the standards set by the treaty.


DLOSP (Dropping Last Outward Sea Pilot) This expression is used to describe the point at which a timechartered ship is “delivered” to the Charterer or “redelivered” to the shipowner. The place of delivery and redelivery are the places where the time charter commences or comes to an end.


ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation). This is an organisation which exists for the purpose of looking after the interests o£ workers in transport jobs. There is a section dealing with seafarers’ pay and working conditions.
The ITF encourages shipowners to enter into an agreement with their crew to pay what the ITF considers are “fair wages”. If the shipowner agrees to do this he is said to have made an “ITF Standard Agreement” with his crew. When he does this he is issued by the ITF with a certificate of compliance with the ITF requirements. This is called an “ITF Blue Certificate” or “ITF Blue Card”, but the name has little to do with the colour.

What does pratique means in shipping?

What does pratique mean in shipping? Free pratique is permission given by a port for a vessel to enter once it has been certified free of infectious disease by the competent health authorities.

-Port State Control-

Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.

Ship Bale Capacity and Ship Grain Capacity what is the difference?

Grain capacity is the space that is available for liquid-type cargo, like bulk grain, which can flow into every corner. Bale capacity is the space that is available for bagged or baled cargoes. Generally, a ship’s bale capacity is about 7–10% less than grain capacity.

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